Listen & Learn 2025 - National Park Service

2/26/2025 - 2/27/2025


The Natural Sounds and Night Skies Division (NSNSD) of the National Park Service (NPS) and the co-directors of Young Sound Seekers (YSS) are hosting a Train the Trainer style workshop that features educational activities and curriculum that can be applied to participants’ host parks.

When: February 26-27, 2025 

RSVP: Required by January 24, 2025 

Location: National Conservation Training Center, 698 Conservation Way, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 

Lodging: On-Site Lodging Available 

Meals: On site 

Times: 8:30-4:30 

Target Audience: Employees that work in Education, Interpretation, and Cultural and Natural Resources 

What to pack: Comfortable walking shoes, warm clothing for both inside and outside activities

Tuition: Workshop is at $0 cost. 

Lodging & Meal information will be provided. 

Questions? Contact Kelsey White:

National Conservation Training Center
698 Conservation Way
Shepherdstown, 25443
2/26/2025 - 2/27/2025
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